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ABBPME Seminar on MBA Program Assessment

Association for Accreditation Bureau for Business Programs and Management Education (ABBPME) is a top-notch accrediting body that provides accreditation to business schools, colleges and universities. ABBPME operates independently and is membership based, not-for-profit organization, helping institutions incorporate international standards of business education in their offered programs.

ABBPME has 200+ members and it has accredited 800+ programs in United States and around the world. ABBPME is recognized by the Board of Directors of the Council for Higher Education Distance Learning Accreditation Association, which justifies its credibility for accrediting business universities, colleges and schools.

ABBPME will be conducting a seminar on MBA program assessment, in order to guide business schools on how they can evaluate and keep their programs up-to-date. This is necessary because, accrediting bodies like ABBPME have a defined set of globally accepted standards for accreditation. Therefore, business institutions need to remain updated, so that their programs are recognized by accrediting agencies.

During the ABBPME’s seminar, a number of learning goals of MBA programs will be highlighted. The CEO of ABBPME in his address said, “An MBA graduate should be effectively developed to take responsibility as a proficient business professional in his/her chosen field, with comprehensive knowledge and understanding of today’s business.” Students should acquire brilliant communication skills. They should become persuasive speakers for taking responsibility as a business leader. Also, the MBA programs should teach students how they can become effective team players and a motivating team leader. The Director of ABBPME added that “MBA programs should teach students the effect of globalization and diversity on businesses, so that they are able to plan and strategize accordingly and anticipate the demands of future”.

The goals of MBA programs play a major role in its assessment. Accrediting committees evaluate student learning outcomes through their own survey as well as take help from alumni and employer surveys. ABBPME recommends that an MBA program should be goal oriented and their outcomes will be measured by the accrediting bodies, in order to ensure that students are acquiring knowledge, vital for their success.